5 Unique Ways to Make Better Ad Copy

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Having good quality ads can really improve your PPC performance. Most adds have a CTR (Click-through-rate in the low single digits. A higher quality ad can improve the CTR to be 10 percent or higher. There have even been examples shown of ads getting clicked at higher than 20%. Now it's not common. But trying out different ads, and being creative can possibly alter your campaign's reach.

Pain Points

One of the first things you might want to do when developing ad copy is to understand your audience really well. What kind of customer's do you usually get? We usually create examples of 5 different types of customers that would be interested in a product/service and then map out what types of concerns and feelings a customer like this might have. By using this information and then adressing emotional pain points, usually these ads will convert at a higher rate.


There is a time in place to feature ad copy verses benefit ad copy. But again, we would imagine that 99 percent of time it is better to make sure your ad copy is benefit based. Features are just a list of things about your product or service whereas benefits are a list of things of why I should buy your product or service. Like pain points above, if you can make sure your benefits targets the emotions of customers this will help your ads convert at a higher rates. In sales 101, if you can move someone emotionally you will always have a better opportunity to gain their business.

Competitor Branding

Although we usually avoid targeting competitor brands. There are several situations where it might make sense to do so. If your competitor brand is well known and mostly associated with the industry that you serve then it might not be a bad idea to target their brand in advertising campaigns. If your campaign is very mature, and your looking to expand sales and you already score really well in all other keywords that this might be a good category to test. When writing competitor branded ad copy, we believe in making it clear that your company provides a better product and service and to highlight a benefit in a very clear and succinct way. Usually we find, however, that usually going down this road might be a tough slog.


Usually for this type of ad, we would normally pose a question to begin. It would usually be a question that many customers would ask regarding your product or service. If you can guess your customers mind and then tie down their thoughts and concerns, you will pretty much have closed the sale before even speaking with them. If we were to give an example, let's say a roofing company begins and ad and asks, "How much money can you save by repairing your roof? 30% more by going with Pete's Roofing." Maybe you've determined your customers are cost-conscious, and this would be a way to implement a conversational ad.

Shocking Fact

This is one of our favorite ways types of ad copy. With this method you highlight an interesting fact or stat in your ad copy that really draws the attention of the customer. For example, "99% of customers give us a 5.0 rating." With a unique and compelling stat like this it really draws in customers to click on your ad

In Conclusion....

No matter how you tackle your ad copy, there are many different methods to use in order to be more creative. The above were 5 ways that we like and use on a daily basis. It never hurts to try different ads and test to see what works and what does not. We always try different methods and find sometimes the method that we thought would be most successful doesnt work as well as another ad. So continuously writing and testing is always the best way to improve your ad copy.